Archives: FAQs

Can I grant different access rights to different employees or teams?

Yes, each user will be assigned a role in SalesWarp. A role is made up of groups of permissions. A group of permissions will generally include all the permissions in one area of SalesWarp. For example, a Warehouse Manager would be assigned a Warehouse role that includes all the permissions under the Warehouse menu. However, […]

Is SalesWarp an ERP system?

No, SalesWarp is not a traditional ERP system. It does not have the full scope of ERP functionality such as financial, raw materials management or human resources tools. SalesWarp is a centralized management system specifically designed for the retail industry and can provide all the functionality and tools needed to successfully manage today’s retail businesses, […]

Who within my organization should be using SalesWarp?

SalesWarp provides tools for many departments in your retail operations, including your product and merchandising teams, warehouse managers, customer service, accounting, operations and purchasing.