Category: Warehouse & Inventory Management

6 Must-Know Inventory Hacks for Shopify

Managing your inventory correctly can be difficult, especially while operating a Shopify store. The consequences of this mismanagement can be expensive, ranging from overselling and stockouts to long delays in fulfillment. With the correct strategies, these issues can disappear, allowing you to run your store smoothly.  Centralize the Data for Your Inventory Without a unified […]

Micro-Warehousing and Hyperlocal Logistics: The Rise of Localized Fulfillment Centers

What Is Micro-Warehousing?  Micro-warehousing makes use of smaller-scale storage facilities situated around consumer hubs, such as urban areas or highly populated neighborhoods. Unlike traditional warehouses, usually large and centralized, micro-warehouses store less inventory of stock positioned based on demand in the immediate vicinity. These compact hubs heavily employ automation, AI, and warehouse management systems that […]

Black Friday & Cyber Monday: Supply Chain Survival Guide

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the busiest shopping events of the year. For businesses, these days can either boost revenue significantly or cause logistical nightmares if supply chain issues arise. To ensure that your operations are smooth and efficient during this peak shopping season, it’s essential to prepare your supply chain thoroughly.  […]

Mitigating Phantom Inventory with Technology

  What is Phantom Inventory? Phantom inventory is a common issue in inventory management, where there’s a mismatch between the recorded inventory and the actual physical stock. The average U.S. retail operation has an inventory accuracy of only 63 percent. These discrepancies can stem from various sources, including data entry errors, or flaws in inventory […]