Category: Order Management

Order Management System Integration: Part 1

Order Management

Order management systems bring a lot of value to the table for merchants, allowing them to simplify the way they deal with orders across all channels (digital or physical) and fulfillment locations (brick-and-mortar stores or warehouses).

Best fulfillment logic: What to keep in mind

Order Management

Order fulfillment has quickly become both an art and a science, with merchants deploying both a number of creative practices and some cutting-edge technology to improve the way they fulfill customer purchases. In years past, a bit of ingenuity could go a long way in helping to get customers their purchases as quickly and effectively […]

How to speed up order fulfillment [Infographic]

Order Management

The retail environment has changed so drastically in the last couple of years – many customers have come to expect delivery within two to three days, and in some cases the very same day. In the eyes of customers, speed matters. In order for sellers to meet these lofty expectations, they need to leverage order […]