Author: David Potts

Omnichannel White Paper: Mastering Omnichannel Choreography

Industry Insight

With strong interest in omnichannel retailing, many retailers are working to understand and implement an omnichannel strategy. What defines omnichannel retailing and how does it meet the demand of today's consumer? This omnichannel white paper will demystify omnichannel retailing, explain why it is important, and…

SalesWarp Helps Retailers Speed Up Delivery Times By Leveraging Store Inventory

Industry Insight

SalesWarp helps retailers take omnichannel to new heights by simplifying order fulfillment from their stores BALTIMORE, MD – SALESWARP, a leading provider of omnichannel management software, will be unveiling the latest release of its cloud-based software at the National Retail Federation’s The BIG Show 2016 in New York City. SalesWarp continues to develop innovative solutions […]

Growing Pains: How In-Store Fulfillment Makes Omnichannel Retailing Possible

Order Management

Consumers no longer pursue the old, linear shopping path-to-purchase model. Technology influences consumers’ behaviors and has become integrated into their lives. In Retail TouchPoints’ Executive ViewPoints, SalesWarp CEO David Potts explains: “The customer wants ubiquity, the ability to be everywhere. From her cell phone to the desktop to an in-store visit, today’s customer seeks an […]