Author: Carly Davison

Why BOPIS is the Future of Retail

Industry Insight

Buying online and picking up in-store, or BOPIS, is quickly becoming a new trend for retailers with brick-and-mortar stores. Businesses are constantly finding more ways to provide faster fulfillment methods to satisfy customer expectations by integrating digital and traditional shopping experiences. According to Invesp, over half of online shoppers say they have picked up an […]

How Millennials are Changing the Retail Industry

Industry Insight

Only 11 percent of millennials plan on making their next purchase in a physical store (Lexington Law). With mobile shopping on the rise, marketplaces like Amazon, Poshmark, and eBates have become popular with millennials who are known to value convenience in online shopping. This new generation of ‘influencers’ value the shopping experience over all else. […]

Hybrid Cloud Systems are Taking Over E-commerce

The race to keep up with customer demands and competitors is a constant cycle for e-commerce businesses. Organizations with traditional ERP systems face limitations anywhere from inaccurate data, less flexibility for customizations, and poor performance. These limitations often lead to a loss of revenue from bad customer experiences from outdated systems. Cloud ERP systems have […]