Author: Carly Davison

5 eCommerce Strategies for Memorial Day

Industry Insight

Memorial Day is nearly here! The kick-off for the summer season means many businesses are launching their seasonal sales and marketing strategies. Many sellers plan on dropping their prices over 70% during Memorial Day, so it’s important for your business to create a winning strategy. It’s important to learn the importance of Memorial Day when […]

How to Succeed in Global E-commerce

Industry Insight

The key to unlocking the rewards of selling internationally can quickly transform a small brand into a household name. Online clothing store, ASOS, is currently listed in Forbes Top Five Innovative Growth Companies due to their winning strategy for international markets with over 60% of their business coming from outside their London-based headquarters (Webinterpret). ASOS […]

How to Use Social Media as an E-commerce Platform

Industry Insight

Building brand awareness for your e-commerce store isn’t a walk in the park. Reaching your target niche and creating a following of customers may take time and many strategies before seeing growth. Social media provides limitless opportunity for brands to reach potential customers and create a unique customer experience. As we become a more content-driven […]